Futsal Websites and Tournaments

Futsal Websites and Tournaments

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Director of Futsal Contact

Keree Koeppel



Futsal Websites

US Youth Futsal (USYF) - https://www.usyouthfutsal.com/

United Futsal – https://unitedfutsal.com/

US Futsal Federation (USFF) - https://futsal.com/


Note: Both USYF and United Futsal requires US Soccer badges which may be obtained by certifying through the Metro DC-Virginia State Referee Program and OMS (https://mdcvasrp.omgtsys.com/). They are the only associations that use FIFA Laws of the Game.

USFF requires separate certification and utilizes modified rules and has a different badge other than US Soccer.


Futsal Tournaments

USYF Virginia State Cup (USSF certification only) 
December 2-3, 2023 
Virginia Beach, VA 
Contact: Roberto Furnish, blndref123@verizon.net 

Capitol Futsal Cup (USFF certification only) 
December 16-17, 2023 
Alexandria, VA 
Contact: refereeassignor@alexandria-soccer.org 

USYF Mid-Atlantic Championships (USSF certification only) 
January 20-21, 2024 
Richmond, VA 
Contact: Roberto Furnish, blndref123@verizon.net 

USFF/VYSA State Championships (USFF certification only)
January 26-28, 2024 
Alexandria, VA 
Contact: refereeassignor@alexandria-soccer.org 


Other tournaments may be added to this list as they become available

2024 Futsal Certification and Recertification

2024 Futsal Certification and Recertification

Futsal referees must recertify annually.  Information on registration and classes for the 2024 registration year is posted.

**NEW** Regional Futsal Upgrade Requirements

To complete the upgrade process to Regional Futsal Referee, the Grassroots Futsal Referee:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age;
  • Must have a minimum of five consecutive years holding a Grassroots Futsal certification;
  • Must have a minimum 30 games in a two referee system at u16 or above (documented);
  • *Must pass three formal practical evaluations:
    • One match as Referee 1 or Referee 2 on a competitive, highest youth level U18/19 boys match;
    • One match as Referee 1 on a competitive adult amateur match or above;
    • One match as Referee 1 on a senior amateur or premier level match or above
  • Physical fitness test

* Each match evaluation must be performed by a different Referee Coach (with advanced futsal knowledge)/Director of Futsal

* All matches must be played to completion

* Any evaluation resulting in a not acceptable performance rating will require an additional evaluation at the same level

* At least one match must be with a 3rd referee and timekeeper

All new candidates for upgrade to Regional Futsal Referee must submit a comprehensive list of their games that count for upgrade to Regional Futsal Referee to the Director of Futsal prior to their upgrade approval.  This list should include at a minimum, the game date, league, division, teams, score and assignor’s name.


Futsal Laws Of The Game

Futsal Laws Of The Game

Information on Futsal Laws of the Game can be found here:

FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game

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