Incoming Referees from other States

Incoming referees from other states wll will need to do the following actions:


1. Go to OMS, register with the Virginia State Referee Committee and complete the background check at the       

    following link:  Officials Management Systems (  Fill in the information and register.


2.  Log into US Soccer Learning center at .

     Scroll down until you see Manage my Relationships. Select it.

     In the new window, select Search for Associations. Search for Virginia State Referee Committee.  Select it     

     and then Select Update.

     This will add a relationship to the Virginia State Referee Committee


3.  If you are transferring from another state, please ask your previous state to provide a letter of good standing

     to the Virginia SRA and State Registrar.


4.  When complete with the above, notify the State Registrar at (

Any questions, please email the Registrar at

Posted:  23 May 2024